We're Back!

After a number of years - and eleven months of waiting on the IRS – we have regained our 501(c)3 non-profit status! While the Friends of Rachel Carson NWR has never stopped working on land acquisition projects for the Refuge or testifying before Congress on behalf of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the non-profit designation opens up significant opportunities to better support our favorite Refuge.

As many of you know, the Friends group was organized in 1987 in response to development that threatened the Goosefare Brook area in Saco. Thanks to the dedication and support of many community members that land is now protected as part of Rachel Carson. Over the years it has provided habitat for piping plovers and saltmarsh birds, as well as scenic overlooks and beach space for hundreds of thousands of visitors. Since the Goosefare Brook success, the Friends have accomplished a variety of great conservation projects.

In 2019 we are looking forward to tackling many new challenges. As federal support continues to decline for Refuges, the Friends have an important role to play in supporting Rachel Carson:

·         We will work to educate Maine’s legislature about the importance of Rachel Carson NWR to wildlife habitat, coastal resilience, tourism, and future generations.

·         We will support Refuge staff by volunteering with trail maintenance, greenhouse activities, administrative work, and visitor services.

·         We will engage the towns and communities that surround the Refuge through mailings, meetings, events, and maybe even a conservation-themed book group.

·         We will fundraise and apply for grants so that we can assist with hiring Refuge interns, purchase equipment, or support research projects.

In our fast-paced society, bird watching or walks along the seashore to marvel at the intricacies of sand (à la Rachel Carson herself) may seem like old-fashioned ideas. So slow! So quiet! So non-digital! But as the Refuge provides sanctuary for birds and animals, it also provides sanctuary for people seeking a quiet place to enjoy nature. With increasing development and population pressure, the Rachel Carson NWR will only become more important in the years to come – and the Friends will ensure that the Refuge can be enjoyed by all future generations of wildlife and people.

If you would like to contact us, you can reach us at friendsofrachelcarsonnwr@gmail.com or send us a letter at P.O. Box 427, Ocean Park, ME 04063. We would love to hear your ideas for how we can work together for our favorite Refuge.

Our sincere thanks for your support!