We are pleased to announce the winning photograph and poem for the July “Refuge Birds of Summer” theme in the Sense of Wonder Art Contest. The winning photograph was taken by Martha Huestis and is of a sweet Canada goose family visiting the Refuge in Wells, Maine. The winning poem was written by John Rullo and is titled “On the Red-Winged Blackbird.” Accompanying his submission, John writes, “I think, as John Keats observes of the nightingale, that the blackbird is one of nature's great poets; I hope to do it justice!” We certainly think he does! Martha’s photograph and John’s poem will be published in a 2022 wall calendar commemorating the Refuge’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Congratulations to Martha and John, and all of the fantastic contributors of photography and poetry submissions this month! The August theme is “Artist’s Choice" and all mediums are now being accepted! Please see contest details here.
Winning photograph by Martha Huestis for the July Sense of Wonder Art Contest theme of “Refuge Birds of Summer.”
On The Red-Winged Blackbird
By John Rullo
Blackbird, would I were noble as thou art--
Okay. I’m sorry, Mister Keats. I know
You wrote of love: serene, aloft, apart,
But near. That’s all I want to do; I’m so
Not worthy of stealing your line, but I thought you wouldn’t
Mind due to our shared affinity for birds.
Propensity? No, anyways I digress.
I’m certain though, that you’d agree with this:
That every poem is a bird; we merely stare.
Oh tiny jet, why do I laude your virtues
When your throaty, ancient trill says more than I dare?
If every poem’s a bird, you are the Muse.
And when I see your sanguine spaulders bright,
I rest at last and sigh, “July’s all right!”