January Sense of Wonder Art Contest Photography & Poetry Winners!

We are pleased to announce the winning photograph and poem for the January “Winter on the Refuge” theme in the Sense of Wonder Art Contest. The winning photograph was taken by Betty Olivolo and is titled “Reflections on a Crisp Winter Day.” The winning poem was written by Renée Hake and is titled “Of Winter.” Betty’s photograph and Renée’s poem will be published in a 2022 wall calendar commemorating the Refuge’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Congratulations to Betty and Renée, and all of the others who sent great submissions this month! The February theme is “Children's Art on the Refuge." Children ages 2-12 are encouraged to participate! All medium submissions are now being accepted! Please see contest details here.

Winning photograph by Betty Olivolo, titled “Reflections on a Crisp Winter Day,” for the January Sense of Wonder Art Contest theme of “Winter on the Refuge.”

Winning photograph by Betty Olivolo, titled “Reflections on a Crisp Winter Day,” for the January Sense of Wonder Art Contest theme of “Winter on the Refuge.”


Of Winter
            by Renée Hake

We wander through
Winter’s wooded-land.
We recoil from boughs untethered
When winds whirl
And trees unfurl
The trappings of snow,
Held amongst the 

 Boots, strapped tight,
Awash with crisp
Crystalline carpets, walk
Where trees call excitedly
To fields stretched longingly
Waiting, patiently waiting
For warmth
When the world is reborn.

And as the fields and woods
Lay lazy paths
Toward the water’s edge,
Shards take on rays
From the low wintertide sun
As sun-catchers often do.

Don’t be fooled
Wondering wanderers,
Thinking winter is thrown
Into silence,
For the silence
Is just the prelude
To the explosions yet to come.

Not dead,
Merely laying in quiet fortitude
Until the words of songbirds
Overshadow the secrets
Of winter deep beneath
The earth’s coverlet.

Walk, wander, wonder often
In the stillness,
Calm, placid
Pale palette
Of winter.