October Sense of Wonder Art Contest Photography and Poetry Winners!

We are pleased to announce the winning photograph and poem for the October “Autumn on the Refuge” theme in the Sense of Wonder Art Contest. The winning photograph was taken by Jasmin Robinson on the Carson Trail and is titled “Leaf Magic.” The winning poem was written by Dave Pasake and is titled “Silent Spring to Autumn’s Palette.” Jasmin’s photograph and Dave’s poem will be published in a 2022 wall calendar commemorating the Refuge’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Congratulations to Jasmin and Dave, and all of the others who sent terrific submissions this month! The November theme is “Refuge Landscapes.” Poetry and photography submissions are now being accepted! Please see contest details here.

Winning photograph by Jasmin Robinson, titled “Leaf Magic,” for the September Sense of Wonder Art Contest theme of “Autumn on the Refuge.”

Winning photograph by Jasmin Robinson, titled “Leaf Magic,” for the September Sense of Wonder Art Contest theme of “Autumn on the Refuge.”

Silent Spring to Autumn’s Palette
By Dave Pasake

October's glory when autumn's palette
and nature's art abounds,
with crimson reds, bright golden yellows,
oranges and browns.

We take to the woods and countryside
to see the awesome sight.
And climb to lofty vantage points
to see such colors bright.

Nestled near the coast of Maine
a traveler will find,
a most inviting place to walk
and exercise your mind.

Where ocean water meets tidal marsh,
a special place resides,
where resilient flora and fauna
exist among the tides.

So many acres to explore
its impact might be huge.
Come dwell in autumn's palette
at Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge.