"Sense of Wonder in the Field" Blog Series - Back to Basics

Despite the frigid and windy event on Tuesday, spring is indeed in the air here in Southern Maine. The maple sap is running and the intermittent muddy days have arrived! It’s a great time to be outside and awaken the senses that may have dulled a bit over our extended time inside over the winter. In this latest blog post in the “Sense of Wonder in the Field” blog series, Sarah Dodgin reminds us to slow things down and pay attention to those senses we so often ignore. “Tapping into these senses brings us out of our busy minds and plops us right back into our childlike sense of wonder,” she writes. Sarah is an environmental scientist and former employee of the Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge. You can find more of Sarah’s nature writings on her blog.

Photo Credit:  Rachel Stearns/USFWS.

Photo Credit: Rachel Stearns/USFWS.

Sense of Wonder in the Field: Back to Basics: https://usfwsnortheast.medium.com/sense-of-wonder-in-the-field-back-to-basics-38dd16a016ff

Sarah Dodgin’s blog can be found here: https://thebogblogger.com