We are pleased to announce the winning photograph and poem for the September “Wildlife of Southern Maine” theme in the Sense of Wonder Art Contest. The winning photograph was taken by Sharon Newell and is a beautiful shot of a doe and her fawn taken on her property on the edge of the Refuge. The winning poem was written by Rebekah Lowell and is titled “Winter Wings.” Sharon’s photograph and Rebekah’s poem will be published in a 2022 wall calendar commemorating the Refuge’s 50th Anniversary Celebration. Congratulations to Sharon and Rebekah, and all of the others who sent submissions this month! The October theme is “Autumn on the Refuge.” Poetry and photography submissions are now being accepted! Please see contest details here.
Winning photograph by Sharon Newell for the September Sense of Wonder Art Contest theme of “Wildlife in Southern Maine.”
Winter Wings
by Rebekah Lowell
Wrapped in the chill of sparkling white
the world waits beneath the cold.
After autumn’s long sigh,
winter exhales
and earth welcomes rest,
slows her heartbeat,
rhythm, low.
This season of waiting
is not a season of nothing.
Sap builds in the maple veins,
green gathers in oak buds,
critters nest in earthy comfort,
seeds store secrets for later,
the sun shines down on this resting wild
keeping it alive,
lighting it up,
letting it know to hold on—
warmth will return again.
A brave feathered few triumph over winter—
spreading their wings
taking flight
the cold snap,
the sharp winds,
the dark nights,
embracing winter
and all that is offers —
a quiet land
all their own,
a kingdom
wrapped in the chill of sparkling white.
They fly
while the rest of world
waits beneath the cold.